

Summit Acupuncture provides treatment for children and adults for a wide range of both acute and chronic conditions. Acupuncture is able to treat acute injuries by decreasing pain and recovery time.and decrease pain and recovery time. Chronic injuries and illnesses also respond well to acupuncture but normally require more sessions. Some of the areas acupuncture excels in treating are acute and chronic pain, digestive disorders, stress, anxiety, and depression, allergies and sinusitis, gynecological disorders, and insomnia. Because acupuncture is a whole-systems treatment and affects the entire body, one may notice changes not only for the main complaint, but also decreased stress, improved energy and digestion, as well as improved sleep. Acupuncture may be paired with other modalities including Chinese herbs massotherapy, physical therapy, and other lifestyle modifications.


Our Areas of Specialty include:



Acupuncture is commonly used to assist in fertility disorders. It can be used as a stand-alone treatment, paired with Chinese herbology, or used to enhance assisted reproductive techniques like IUI and IVF. It is useful in treating both male and female infertility and is especially helpful with a diagnosis of unexplained infertility.


Stress and Anxiety

Acupuncture treatments are very relaxing and can be helpful in decreasing perceived stress and anxiety. Many patients remark that although their stressors have not changed, they do not feel as stressed in their daily life. Anxiety can be treated with acupuncture which helps to balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system in order to decrease the flight, fight, freeze response, and increase relaxation.



Both acute and chronic pain respond well to acupuncture. Neck, back, elbow, knee, shoulder pain and headaches all respond well to acupuncture especially musculoskeletal pain. Acute pain may be treated in one or two treatments and chronic pain usually responds well to treatment once or twice weekly and then less and less frequently as pain levels subside. When treating chronic pain, there is normally a decrease in both the frequency and intensity of pain over time.