Chinese Herbology
Chinese herbology can be used in conjunction with acupuncture in order to treat a variety of issues. Chinese herbs are almost always used in formulas where the herbs are combined to work together as a unit. Many of the traditional formulas are thousands of years old and may be modified to each individual by adjusting the herbs and/or dosage of individual herbs in the formula. Herbs may be prescribed as teas, tinctures, powders, capsules, tablets, or applied topically as salves, powders, oils, and lotions.
Conditions that respond well to herbs include the following:
Chinese herbal medicine can be helpful in regulating cycles, supporting ovulation, building a uterine lining, and supporting fertility. Since what is going on with the menstrual cycle changes weekly according to Chinese medicine, it is not uncommon to use several different formulas throughout the cycle to support fertility. Formulas may be individualized to each patient as needed.
Seasonal allergies and sinus pain and drainage respond well to a combination of Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture. It can be beneficial to start acupuncture and/or herbal treatments several weeks before the normal onset of allergy symptoms.
Digestive Disorders
Digestive disorders including bloating, abdominal pain, decreased appetite, and constipation all respond well to Chinese herbal medicine. Acupuncture and dietary suggestions based on Chinese dietary therapy may be added to herbal therapy to maximize results.